
Thursday, May 8, 2014

Happy Easter Max and Harper!

Max received an Oh Goodie Star Wars themed Easter Basket from the Easter Bunny.  It contained: Floam, Magentic Racer, Fowlers Easter Bunny, Star Wars Jumbo pen, journal, and Legos. 
 Harper received a Hello Kitty themed Easter Basket that contained: a Hello Kitty tshirt, bracelet, stickers, tissues, Fowlers Chocolate bunny, Care Bear, wand, and other assorted treats! 
 All wrapped up for the Easter Bunny to gift! 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Happy Teacher Appreciation Day!

Ms. Sacco was the lucky recipient of an Oh Goodie! Chocolate Lovers bag to thank her for her hard work and dedication in the classroom.  Kudos!